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Social Media Buzz: Frustration with Global Inaction

As the U.S. and Russia made a deal to secure Syria’s chemical weapons supplies, life continued as usual for Syrians on the ground.

Written by Alison Tahmizian Meuse Published on Read time Approx. 2 minutes

They made their frustration known through Facebook conversations that reacted to the twists and turns of global diplomacy, developments that feel far removed from a country torn apart by war.

One of the slogans of the pro-regime militiamen known as shabiha is “[we keep] Assad, or we burn the country.” Some civilians feel that slogan has become a daily reality.

This photo, posted to the Facebook page of the group Lens of a Young Silly from eastern Ghouta, the site of the Aug. 21 chemical weapons attack, was labeled: “The regime, and the Syrian people.”

Lens of a Young Silly

The frustration in Syria stems from the fact that the global furore has focused on chemical weapons, while conventional weapons have left more than 100,000 of their countrymen dead.

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Many employed dark humor to show both their suffering and exasperation with the international community’s response, doing little to stop Syria’s civil war:

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Frustrated by being labeled “barbarians,” some activists affixed that label to the international community, distributing this image and video on Facebook:

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Others mocked the perceived inaction of the United Nations against Syria, showing a graphic of U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon sleeping.

Ban Ki Moon Sleeping -- Social Media Buzz

Many are upset with the international community in the wake of the chemical weapons diplomacy, writing on Facebook: “They sold us out without even taking on the burden of owning us in the first place.”

Social Media Buzz

Others thought the chemical weapons debate as muddying the waters and distracted the international community from the wider conflict. The cartoon below, labeled “Syrian chemical weapons,” shows said weapons as a maze for President Obama to navigate.

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Others focused on the questions being debated within the opposition. They poked fun at what they view as ‘nit-picky’ debates in the middle of a war.

This Facebook post, in response to the debate over a future name for Syria (the Syrian Arab Republic, as it is now, versus the Syrian Republic) reads:

“If we’re dealing with the [Syrian National] Coalition, better to name it the Banana Republic. It’s more realistic and suits them perfectly.”

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Another post summed up desperation felt by many:

“The most important thing is that something remains of this country. Then you can call it the Carrot Republic if you like!”

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