It gives me a great deal of pleasure to personally endorse Teach Deeply. Despite the emphasis on common core literacy skills and standardized test scores, social studies teachers still continually search for resources that allow students to study the world and its problems in innovative ways.
For a teacher or student who has any interest in the situation in Syria, Syria Deeply provides virtually anything they’d need.
Most history and social studies teachers now believe in depth over breadth; the materials provided on Syria Deeply allow the student or teacher to analyze the Syria situation in a multitude of ways.
In our complex times, teachers need to help students make sense of the world as it presently exists. There any many teachers who want to help their students understand complex situations like the one that presently exists in Syria but — through no fault of their own — simply don’t feel that they have the knowledge base to do that.
Content-rich sites allow all teachers to accumulate a knowledge base, as well as resources, to effectively teach the Syrian crisis.
I personally hope that all social studies teachers who want their students to explore contemporary world problems would go to the “Syria Deeply” website and study some of what is available there. Many Americans are unaware of the horrors of events that have taken place in Syria; “Syria Deeply” certainly attempts to rectify that lack of knowledge.