Dear Deeply Readers,

Welcome to the archives of Water Deeply. While we paused regular publication of the site on November 1, 2018, we are happy to serve as an ongoing public resource on water resilience. We hope you’ll enjoy the reporting and analysis that was produced by our dedicated community of editors and contributors.

We continue to produce events and special projects while we explore where the on-site journalism goes next. If you’d like to reach us with feedback or ideas for collaboration you can do so at [email protected].

Toxic Taps

Video: Toxic Taps: Meet California’s Newest Water Contaminant

In the fourth video in our “Toxic Taps” series, we explain what happens now that California has finally regulated a carcinogen, 1,2,3-trichloropropane, that has been contaminating groundwater for decades.

Written by Tara Lohan Published on Read time Approx. 0 minutes

There are over a hundred water systems in California that have tested above the new maximum contaminant level for 1,2,3-trichloropropane (TCP), a man-made chemical and known carcinogen found in the state’s groundwater.

We show you where those water systems are, how TCP got into the water and how dangerous it may be for your health.

Water systems will begin to test for TCP in January, and many are already suing companies they believe have contributed to the problem in order to recoup the cost of building new treatment systems.

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