Russia has removed domestic violence from its criminal code, despite the large number of women who are abused by their partners in the country. Very few Russian survivors of domestic violence are able to speak out about their ordeal, but Nina has shared with News Deeply her devastating story, which began when she was just a child. She is currently getting help at the St. Petersburg Crisis Center for Women, which uses art therapy as a way to heal. A film by Tatyana Chistikova, Irina Sedunova and Taisiya Koroleva.
The Hidden Crime
Video: Survivors Heal Through Art as Russia Turns its Back on Domestic Abuse
Abused first by her father, and then by her husband, Nina tells News Deeply how she found solace in art therapy, as part of our in-depth series on domestic violence worldwide.
Written by Tatyana Chistikova, Irina Sedunova, Taisiya Koroleva | Published on | Read time Approx. 0 minutes |